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Sermon Archive

Sermons on the Environment (Dick Prouty and JoeAnn Hart)

Spirit and the Environment  A Sermon Preached by Dick Prouty  at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church       July 14, 2013 I assume all of you are now concerned more about the environment than you were five years.  I sure am!  The reality of the impact of...

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Welcoming the Stranger (Rev. Jenny Rankin)

 Sermon Preached on September 15, 2013 It is Opening Sunday, my first here with you. We walk across the threshold, through those great doors,  and come into the shelter of these old walls.   As women and men and children have been doing now for hundreds of years.  We...

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Is There Such a Thing as a Good Death? (Ginny Cohen, R.N.)

This talk was given at our church by Ginny Cohen, R.N. on February 24, 2013.  The talk features "The 5 Wishes" document put out by Aging with Dignity.    Ginny says, "A few years ago I attended a session given by my Health Ministry Association in Framingham. ... I was...

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The Baby with the Bathwater (Newt Fink)

Newt Fink gave this talk on May 6, 2012 In the reading from the children’s book, Madeline, Miss Clavel – the nanny or governess whoever she was – wakes in the middle of the night, turns on the light, and says “Something is not right.” The story aside, the words...

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Sunrise on Easter Sunday (Rev. Wendy Fitting)

The Rev. Wendy Fitting gave this sermon on Easter Sunday - April 8, 2012 Yesterday a dear and thoughtful friend asked me if I liked Christianity … seemed a good idea to think long and hard before answering … but the immediate from the heart and mind response was: ...

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Becoming and Belonging (Rev. Rona Tyndall)

Becoming and Belonging The Rev. Rona Tyndall gave this sermon at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church on March 18, 2012. Do you like elephants?  I’m crazy about them.  Elephants are not only naturally social creatures, they actually form complex...

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December 19, 2010 Sermon (Rev. Wendy Fitting)

The following was read on the air by radio commentator, Paul Harvey.  (The original author is Bo Lozoff, and Wendy shared it in her December 19th sermon.)  An Open Letter from God My dear children, and believe Me, that is all of you, I consider Myself a pretty patient...

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Canvass Messages

"Sermon on the Amount"  -  Rev. Wendy Fitting Every one of us - when we go to bed at night - makes sure that the house is in order.  The fire is banked. The lights are extinguished. The children have eaten and brushed their teeth and are safe in their beds.  We have...

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Upcoming Services

Potluck, led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with Steve Lacey, guest musician, and the GUUC choir. How can the United States live in a truly inclusive society? We will welcome Rav Naomi Gurt Lind from Temple Ahavat Achim.

Our service is in-person, or at the livestream link below. Everyone is welcome!


Kiana will be providing childcare for elementary-age and older.

Recent News

For Those Who Live at the Shoreline

For Those Who Live at the Shoreline © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church June 2, 2024 It was such a joy to be present at the flag-raising at City Hall this past Friday to kick off the month of June as Pride Month. It was the largest crowd at this event I’ve...

Sunday June 2

This Sunday's worship service is led by Reverend Janet Parsons with music provided by Steve Lacey. Please join us at 10 a.m. in-person or at the livestream link below. Kiana will be providing childcare during the service for elementary-age and older. Link to...

Sunday May 26 2024

The Walls Between Us, led by Reverend Janet Parsons, and musician Susan Taormina. We are exploring Pluralism this month, and on Sunday we'll look at what happens to a pluralist society when we become polarized. There will be no livestream this Sunday: we apologize for...