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Sermon Archive

Healing Our Wholeness – October 2, 2016

Healing Our Wholeness, Healing the World Reverend Janet Parsons October 2, 2016 Once upon a time, back at the very beginning of time, the Ein Sof, or the Ground of Being, or God, filled the entire universe with its presence. And when the Ein Sof decided to create the...

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The Creative Spirit (Rev. Parsons April 24, 2016)

A Sermon Given at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church   April 24, 2016  By  Rev. Janet Parsons I once had the good fortune to be present when someone was struck by a creative spirit, and had the chance to watch what happened. The someone was my husband. We...

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Love Will Come Again – Rev. Janet Parsons, Easter 2016

The ancient story has been handed down across time and distance, across languages and cultures. It climaxes unexpectedly: when three grieving women, returning to a tomb to dress the body of their murdered teacher, encounter a mysterious stranger. The body is nowhere...

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“Love is Stronger Than Death” by Rev. Parsons (2/14/16)

A couple of weeks ago, the President of Iran visited Rome. Since he was planning to visit the Capitoline Museum, it was decided, by someone – the news reports were a little vague — to cover up statues of classical nudes so as to not offend him. Wooden boxes were...

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“Dialogue” by Newt Fink (January 24, 2016)

 Question. My great friend Dr. Mike Sperber always asks huge questions. “So where did we come from?” he calmly asks as we speed down Rt. 128 – he’s taking me to a doctor’s appointment. Do you have a friend like that?   It stirred thoughts that had been forming in my...

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Space Between the Logs by Rev. Janet Parsons

When I was first setting out along my path into the ministry, I came upon an essay written by a UU minister, whose name I cannot recall, who was reflecting on the art and craft of preaching.  She said something that has stayed with me for years now:  that ultimately...

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A Variety of Poems — Some in the Key of U.U.

The title of my presentation today is “A Variety of Poems – Some in the Key of U.U.”           [Unitarian Universalist] Cape Ann   Surrounded by sea on every side Ere at the mercy of storm and tide Touched and kissed by resplendent foam This beautiful island we call...

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Spiritual Journey, Adoption, and the Big Family

A talk given by Roger Garberg on August 9, 2015: I want to greet you today with the typical Chinese greeting, which a public speaker uses to greet his or her audience.  Dàjiā hǎo.  The usual translation of this is just “Hello everyone”.  But it’s more literal rending...

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July 26, 2015 Poetry Service by Rufus Collinson

A Poetry Service Given at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church Sunday – July 26, 2016     by Ruthanne (Rufus) Collinson Water Over Stones  This morning, the ravenous sea reaches way out over the shore and pulls back again, powerfully driven to contain itself....

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Upcoming Services

Potluck, led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with Steve Lacey, guest musician, and the GUUC choir. How can the United States live in a truly inclusive society? We will welcome Rav Naomi Gurt Lind from Temple Ahavat Achim.

Our service is in-person, or at the livestream link below. Everyone is welcome!


Kiana will be providing childcare for elementary-age and older.

Recent News

Exploring Emerson

Dick Prouty will be leading the service this Sunday, July 21, at 10AM in the sanctuary. Susan Taormina will provide music. The sermon topic will be "Exploring Emerson and his relevance to your life." Dick will speak to the relevance of Ralph Waldo Emerson in his own...

Sunday July 14

Join Us Sunday for Brunch Church! 10:00 a.m. in the Social Hall This Sunday Reverend Janet will be offering a casual service focusing on shared community, and food! We'll meet in the Social Hall at 10:00 a.m. as usual, for brunch, music, stories, and conversation....

Sunday July 7

Worship this Sunday is led by Lucille LePage with music by Andy Soll. Please join us at 10a.m. Everyone is welcome.