Past Services
Exploring Emerson
Dick Prouty will be leading the service this Sunday, July 21, at 10AM in the sanctuary. Susan Taormina will provide music. The sermon topic will be "Exploring Emerson and his relevance to your life." Dick will speak to the relevance of Ralph Waldo Emerson in his own...
Sunday July 14
Join Us Sunday for Brunch Church! 10:00 a.m. in the Social Hall This Sunday Reverend Janet will be offering a casual service focusing on shared community, and food! We'll meet in the Social Hall at 10:00 a.m. as usual, for brunch, music, stories, and conversation....
Sunday June 30
This Sunday's service is led by Peggy Kimball with music by Steve Lacey. Join us at 10 a.m. in-person or at the livestream link below. Everyone is welcome! Link to livestream:
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led by Reverend Janet Parsons and Newt Fink
Join us for Celebration Sunday, as we lift up what it means to join together as a community, and as we prepare to make financial commitments for next year. Thoughtful words, a fun video of our community, and music! ...
In Another’s Shoes
Our spiritual theme for October is Deep Listening. In recent months we have been confronting how much at odds we are in this country, and how we struggle to hear each other's words. What would happen if we could find a way to listen and to hear one another? ...
Forever Building
What does it mean to be a community during hard times, especially during times when we cannot be physically together? As we get ready to open our Annual Budget Drive, join us for an inspiring story, great music from our own Deb Hardy, and lots of images of our...
led by Reverend Janet Parsons
Join us this Sunday for our virtual worship service! Details to follow.
We Begin Again in Love
As we turn toward autumn, it is a time for considering how we have missed the mark, for beginning again to set forth with new commitments. We will reflect on Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, and the renewed spirit that atonement can...
Whole, Broken, and Then Whole Again
Rosh Hashanah began Thursday. This ushers in the Jewish Days of Awe, the High Holy Days, which culminate 10 days later on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. A time for introspection, repentance, and forgiveness. As we focus on Renewal, how can we work to renew our...