Past Services
Sunday Aug 25
Reverend Janet Parsons will lead worship this Sunday, August 25, with music provided by Susan Taormina. Please join us at 10am in-person, or at the livestream link below. Everyone is welcome! Link to livestream:...
“Responses to Authoritarianism”
This Sunday's worship is led by Karen Bell with music by Andy Soll. It will feature a short introduction to some of the major cultural and political forces that are currently at play in the presidential race, after the momentous developments of the past 2 weeks....
Hope and Resilience in the Garden
This Sunday's worship is led by JoeAnne Hart with music provided by Susan Taormina. The sermon will be about cultivating hope, based on "Nature's Best Hope", by Douglas Tallamy, A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard. Please join us at 10 a.m.,...
More Services Archives
Second Sunday of Advent – Peace
This Sunday we will be joining our friends at the UU Society of Rockport for their service. Their service begins at 10:30 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting The Second Sunday of Advent, a period of hopeful...
What Grounds Us?
This week we are invited to think deeply about what we are grateful for. Sunday we are going to shift the conversation deeper and think about our sources of strength, coping mechanisms, what helps us stay whole and...
Powered by Gratitude
We will be participating in a very special Thanksgiving Sunday service with six of our neighboring UU congregations. The Zoom link opens at 10:00am. Participating Congregations First Church in Salem UU, First Parish UU Church in...
Light from the Broken Places
We are living in a time of deep fear and grief. How do we move past those toward wholeness? What can ancient art forms teach us? Join us this Sunday! Meeting ID: 951 8302 5526 Passcode:...
The Soul of the Nation
The presidential election, regardless of the outcome, has shown us uncomfortable truths about our country. Our theme this month is Healing. How can we find ways to come together and begin to heal?
Side by Side: Holding Grief and Hope
Sunday is All Souls, an important date in the Universalist calendar. We will honor and remember our losses in a year of terrible loss and grief. At the same time, we look forward with hope and faith in the future. We lead the service from the sanctuary. Join us!...