Past Services
Sunday Nov 10
Trust That You Are Held, led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with Steve Lacey, musician. In the aftermath of the presidential election, how do we find hope and healing? Please invite friends and family who are in search of caring community this week. Join us at 10am...
Sunday Nov 3
Liberating Love, led by Rev. Michael Hall with music by Andy Soll. Please join us at 10am in-person or at the livestream link below. Children's programming will be provided by Kiana during the worship...
Sunday Oct 27
This I Believe, led by members of the congregation. From time to time we invite members to offer statements of their own religious beliefs. This always is a meaningful and enjoyable service, and a great opportunity to get to know more about Unitarian Universalism and...
More Services Archives
Turn and Love
This Sunday we take a field trip to our neighbors in Newburyport. It was Newburyport's former minister, the late Rev. Bert Steeves, who was instrumental in helping our church get back on more solid footing in the 1970's. We remember him warmly and are glad to...
An Orientation of the Heart
The Beloved Community is not a place we can travel to. How can we find it? Well, there are many ways, but on Sunday, Valentine's Day, we'll find that we can only ultimately reach it with love. Join us on Zoom, and invite someone to join us! ...
Where We See Everyone’s Face
Our spiritual theme this month is Beloved Community. It will take months to explore the aspects of this: how to define it, how to live into it. This Sunday we'll be working toward a definition of Beloved Community. Join Zoom service:...
This week we asked some of you to think about imagination: what it means to you, where does it lead you? Sunday we'll present what some of our artists had to say. With Willie Alexander, Deb Hardy, Jay McLauchlan, Kerry Mullen, and Jim Seavey. ...
“This Is the Way” led by Rev. Rob Keithan
This Sunday we are going to 'visit' All Souls in Washington, D.C. To join: Find the Zoom login on All Souls website ( "Speaking on a call in November, one of our organizing partners said “The win is not the election. The win is when...
Martin Luther King Sunday
A Joint Service with Gloucester UU Church and UU Society of Rockport, led by Reverends Janet Parsons and Susan Moran. Please join us for a special service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King. Meeting ID:...