Past Services
Sunday, December 22
Sunday's worship service will be led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with music by Nami Hamada. Join us at 10am in-person or at the livestream link below. Childcare will be provided for elementary-age children...
Sunday December 15
Worship this Sunday is led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with music by Nami Hamada. Join us at 10am in-person or at the livestream link below. Childcare will be provided for elementary-age children and...
Sunday December 8
A ministry of presence in turbulent times, led by Reverend Art McDonald. Music provided by Andy Soll. Join us at 10am in-person or at the livestream link below. Childcare will be provided for elementary-age...
More Services Archives
Pulpit Swap
Reverend Janet will preach for the Rockport congregation and Reverend Susan Moran will preach for us. Join us this Sunday at 10am on Zoom: Meeting ID: 913 0038 3038 Passcode: 366722
To Build a Church
We welcome our friends from the UU Church of Greater Lynn who will be joining us on Zoom! May 15 is the 60th anniversary of the first General Assembly of the new UUA, we will look at the consolidation of the Unitarians and the Universalists. Zoom:...
In the Beginning: Creation Stories
This Sunday we'll compare our most familiar creation story, in the Book of Genesis, with tales from the Roman poet Ovid. Join us at 10am on Zoom: Meeting ID: 913 0038 3038 Passcode: 366722
Rising Green to Bring a New Day
We are honoring Earth Day on Sunday, with inspirational words and music, and a message from Dick Prouty on how Town Green 2025 and the Cape Ann Climate Coalition are leading us toward a healthier future here in our beautiful home. Join Zoom:...
Motion is the Reality
Many of us grew up with the belief that God was like a rock: immovable, never changing. But modern physics has taught us to view the world as made up of energy and motion. Can our concepts of God fit within that knowledge? Join us: Zoom...
Fare Forward: Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita and TS Eliot’s ‘Four Quartets.’
This Sunday we join First Church of Salem. Rev. Elizabeth Ide and guest preacher, Tiffany Magnolia, team up to lead a gathering of story, song, and spirit. Join Zoom: Sunday, April 11 at 10:30am Meeting ID: 842 7652 2251