Past Services
Sunday, June 9
This Sunday's worship service is led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with music by Andy Soll. Join us at 10am in-person or at the livestream link below. Everyone is welcome. Our church is handicap accessible. Kiana will be providing childcare during the service for...
Sunday June 2
This Sunday's worship service is led by Reverend Janet Parsons with music provided by Steve Lacey. Please join us at 10 a.m. in-person or at the livestream link below. Kiana will be providing childcare during the service for elementary-age and older. Link to...
Sunday May 26 2024
The Walls Between Us, led by Reverend Janet Parsons, and musician Susan Taormina. We are exploring Pluralism this month, and on Sunday we'll look at what happens to a pluralist society when we become polarized. There will be no livestream this Sunday: we apologize for...
More Services Archives
A Celebration of Gardens
This Sunday's virtual service will feature 3 video slide shows of garden images sent in by church members and friends, compiled by Pat Johnson and accompanied by surprise music. Stay tuned for details.
led by Naomi Ruben
This Sunday's sermon will be about the need to appreciate friends and loved ones NOW, because life is ephemeral, COVID-19, other diseases and circumstances can take people at any time. Love them NOW! Join Zoom Meeting...
This Sunday
This Sunday's worship service will be led by several people offering reflections on their experiences of the pandemic. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 916 5839 7692 Password: 951137 One tap mobile...
led by Reverend Susan Moran
There is so much in the news that demands our attention and our time. But this Sunday, our text is a Mary Oliver poem that starts with the line, "you don't have to be good". Please join us at 10am via Zoom!
Sublime Coincidence
I take great delight in what seem to be 'magical' moments that change the course of your life with little or no decision-making. Just random encounters; Blind Luck and off you go in a wonderful new experience as if it were planned all along. Join us this Sunday via...
led by Reverend Janet Parsons
This Sunday we will be joining the online service from the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly. We’ll use our usual Zoom link to join the service. The service should last about an hour. Following the GA service we’ll stay for our usual chance to...