The Hope of Returning Light

“The Sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it’s here is up to us. Journey wisely. – Alexandra Elle

When the Holidays Are Hard

A candlelight Vespers service “I am always in a bit of a shock when December 1st arrives on the calendar. I always feel like there should be at least another week beyond Thanksgiving before I can even contemplate the next holiday. I think, however, that beyond...

When Hope Is Hard to Find

Our theme for the month of December is Hope.  The light wanes, and we enter the period of Advent, of waiting and preparation.  What do we mean by hope? Our choir will sing, and we will light our Advent wreath.  The children will begin in worship and then carry the...

The Thing with Feathers

Our theme for the month of December is Hope.  The light wanes, and we enter the period of Advent, of waiting and preparation.  What do we mean by hope? Our choir will sing, and we will light our Advent wreath.  The children will begin in worship and then carry the...