Hope Rises

Happy Easter! Join us on Zoom for a service of hope and renewal. We’ll be joined by guest organist Mary Jodice and some of our choir.   Here is the link: https://zoom.us/j/91300383038?pwd=TlRaTGNqQ1hxeXo0WlNIWjF6N2tIdz09 Meeting ID: 913 0038 3038 Passcode:...

Tales of Liberation

As so often happens, this weekend marks the beginning of Passover and Palm Sunday.  We’ll honor both holidays by looking at each through a lens of liberation; how both represent a rejection of oppression and power.  Join us on Zoom:...

A Year in the Life

On the 14th, we recognize the full year since we gathered together in person in our sanctuary for worship. How has this year shaped our commitments?  To honor this anniversary, we offer the service from the sanctuary, with guest musician Peter Friesinger. Join Zoom:...

Our Silent Vows

How do we care for all of our commitments: both the spoken ones to loved ones, and the silent ones to ourselves and to our life’s purpose?  Join us Sunday! Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91300383038?pwd=TlRaTGNqQ1hxeXo0WlNIWjF6N2tIdz09 Meeting ID: 913 0038...

To Walk Together

We return to our beloved sanctuary for this service, which has been pre-recorded, with guest musicians Mary Jodice and Shannon Connolly.  We have been exploring the concept of Beloved Community,  How do we balance needs of the individual and of community?   Please...