Sunday, June 13, 2021
10:00 a.m.
On Zoom


Join us on Zoom for a special service in celebration of the Pride Month led by Charles Nazarian, joined by Kathleen Williams, and featuring videos by local LGBTQ musicians performing and sharing their life experiences.

The performers are Brian King, Deb Hardy, Kerr Griffin, Johnny Blazes, and Kaedon Gray.

Charles will share a Reflection on “Liberation is for Everyone,” noting the famous (and sometimes notorious) historical Cape Ann persons with alternative lifestyles, the flowering of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s into a new consciousness of social justice by wanting to be liberated from restrictive cultural norms, the devastation of the AIDS epidemic that established the determination to never go back, and how our Unitarian-Universalist principles have helped to lead the way to wider acceptance and greater freedom for all.

Join us at 10:00 am. on Zoom:

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