On Monday, April 23, Mayor Sefatia Romeo-Theken led a rally and march to end domestic violence. “Shatter the Silence – End the Violence” was sponsored by the Mayor, Gloucester Coalition for the Prevention of Domestic Abuse, YWCA North Shore Rape Crisis Center, HAWC, YMCA Youth Group, and the Gloucester High Gay Straight Alliance.

The rally, including law enforcement and fire department officials and members of the City Council, started at City Hall and ended at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church. Rev. Janet Parsons walked with other members of the UU Church and welcomed all marchers to the Church’s Vestry. In her remarks, Rev. Parsons stressed the importance of creating a positive home environment to reduce the incidence of domestic violence. Mayor Romeo-Theken spoke of the need for reporting domestic violence and the resources available to the citizens of Gloucester. Other speakers commended the leadership role that young adults are taking to address the issue.