The November 4 service was a time to remember all those whom we have lost but who remain close to our hearts.  Members of the congregation brought forward photos or mementos of loved ones and we spoke aloud the names of those closest to us who have passed. The music and readings were inspiring and Reverend Janet recounted the story of a woman who, despite her own tragic loss, was able to step outside her grief to acknowledge that loss touches all people.

During the service, we remembered those across the country who have recently fallen victim to gun violence that was driven by hatred. On October 25, two people lost their lives in a grocery store shooting in Jeffersontown, Kentucky. On October 27, eleven people were killed in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And on November 3, two people were killed in a Tallahassee, Florida yoga studio. The church’s 1806 Paul Revere bell was rung in memory of each person.

Many members of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church joined members of the local community and the congregation of Temple Ahavat Achim at a special Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service on Friday, November 2. The overflow attendance offered their heartfelt support in the wake of the deadly shootings at the Pittsburgh synagogue.