We’re beginning a new year with a new minister and some new programs.  Monthly newsletters are returning with this September issue.  It’s jam packed with ideas, pictures, updates, etc. — please take some time and read it (you can do it in “batches” if you want) so that you don’t miss out on anything.

  • Reflections from Janet
  • Filling our Pulpit in September
  • Ingathering – Water Communion
  • Music & Meditation in the Meetinghouse
  • Choir Notes
  • Grants & Fundraising Team
  • Brad’s Bash
  • Destination: Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church
  • Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation (GMF) Update
  • Member News
  • TownGreen 2025
  • Path to Membership
  • R.E.marks from Rose
  • Our Steeple: According to Hopper
  • Ward 2 Community Meeting Follow-up
  • New Discussion Group Forming
  • It’s Never Too Late
  • Memories and Celebrations

Whew!      Read it here [download id=”256″]