10 Church Street Gloucester, MA 01930

Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church

First Universalist Church in America
Organized as the Independent Christian Church in 1779
Learning Overview
Adult Programs

Book Group - March 4, 3pm
Meet at church to discuss "An Unfinished Love Story" by Doris Kearns Goodwin, 2024. All are welcome. It is not necessary to have finished the book to participate. Any questions, please contact Peter Hornbeck.

Lectio Divina - Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m.
Reverent Janet is offering weekly Lectio Divina (sacred reading) sessions on Zoom, every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., beginning on January 22. This is a spiritual practice in which we listen carefully to a poem and meditate on what words or phrases move us and inspire us. You are welcome to join each week or occasionally. The Zoom link is here: https://zoom.us/j/91553669747

Chalice Circles - Third Sunday after worship service.

BYOL - Bring Your Own Lunch at noon on Fridays
Fridays at noon, folks are encouraged to meet for lunch in the Williams Room (just inside the Church Street door). Though food will not be served, conversation and community will be shared. So bring a packed lunch from home and join us. We hope to see you soon!

Wisdom For All Ages

Adult Programs

Adult Learning Programs at GUU

More info coming soon!
path of paving stones in a garden