April 1 through 30, 2023

Everyone needs socks and underwear but you can’t buy them in a thrift store! They’re essential but too personal to be handed down.

During the month of April, for the third year in a row, the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church will join forces with the Unitarian Universalist Society of Rockport and local clothing stores Nelson’s in Gloucester and the John Tarr Store in Rockport to collect donations of new socks and underwear. This year we’re also collecting bras and money for diapers, and we’re benefiting a third organization, Younity.

We have expanded the meaning of ‘socks and underwear’ to cover the needs of females and males from birth to adulthood. Donations will go to three local organizations: Pathways for Children, The Grace Center and Younity. Pathways for Children is a nonprofit providing education and childcare for low income families on the North Shore. The Grace Center is a Gloucester day resource center serving adults in need of support. It is part of Lifebridge, a regional organization providing shelter services in Gloucester, Salem, and Beverly. Younity Drop-in Center in Gloucester provides social, psychological and group support to youth ages 16 to 25.

Donations must be new and in their original packaging.  Children and teens appreciate colors.  Nelson’s and the John Tarr Store will generously offer sales on donation items to support the collection drive. Families with very young children need diapers. We are accepting cash donations for the purchase of diapers because they are too bulky for us to store and distribute. 

Collection bins for clothing donations will be located outside the side door of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church, 10 Church Street, Gloucester, outside the Rockport Society, 4 Cleaves Street, Rockport, and at Nelson’s, 248 Main Street, Gloucester; and the John Tarr Store, 49 Main Street, Rockport.

Financial contributions are always welcome. Please mail checks to the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church, 10 Church Street, with “Socks and Underwear” or “Diapers” on the memo line. To donate on line visit the Gloucester Church website https://www.gloucesteruu.org and click on the donate button. To designate your on line donation for Socks and Underwear or Diapers you must also call or email the church office: 978-283-3410, info@gloucesteruu.org.


Last year’s socks and underwear drive brought in over 300 undergarments and 500 pairs of socks. “Respect for the worth and dignity of every individual is a central tenet of Unitarian Universalism,” said Holly Tanguay, member of the Gloucester church. “It’s hard to think of a better way to support individual dignity than by providing clean new undergarments to those who need them.”

Questions may be addressed to the Gloucester church at  info@gloucesteruu.org.