Care Team
Path to Membership
Welcome! We’re glad to have you with us
Deciding whether to become active, or to formally join a church, is a big decision. This brief outline is intended to help you understand the path many people travel from when they first walk through our doors to the time they decide to become members or to participate actively.
Visit frequently on Sundays or watch our livestreamed services on YouTube to become familiar with our style of worship. The more you attend or watch, the more you will be able to discern if Gloucester UU will be a good spiritual home for you.
Request a name tag so we can greet you by name. Community is a large part of our congregational life. We’d like to get to know you and introduce you to others who might share an interest.
Request a name tag so we can greet you by name. Community is a large part of our congregational life. We’d like to get to know you and introduce you to others who might share an interest.
Sign-up for our weekly emails to keep informed of what is happening and how you can get involved. We promise not to overload your inbox or distribute your contact information outside the church. Send an email to
Now that we’ve returned to our full congregational life, we hope you will attend coffee hour, a discussion group, a potluck meal or volunteer with us. Participation is the best way to get to know our members and friends and the ways in which we put our faith into action.
Our book group is open to everyone, as are our adult programs.
Attend a Member Orientation Class (offered 2-3 times each year). This class is presented in different formats depending on the number of interested individuals. It generally covers an overview of our faith, our history, a tour of the church when in person, and allows for plenty of time for your questions to be addressed.
Make an appointment to speak with the minister to let her know that you are interested in exploring what it means to be a member.
When you are ready to become a member, all that is required is that you sign the Membership Book in the presence of the minister.
Should you decide that membership is not what you seek, we are pleased to have you in our midst as a friend of the church. Membership is not a requirement, but it is necessary to participate in the governing of the church.

Please contact Christine in the church office with any questions: (978)283-3410 or Our church is handicap accessible.