The Law of Giving (Newt Fink)

When the spiritual life is talked about – agricultural metaphors are often used, metaphors which describe the growing process.  One tends ones’ garden, carefully plants the seeds, waters and feeds then, cultivates, pulls the weeds, watches and waits, – as...

Sermons on the Environment (Dick Prouty and JoeAnn Hart)

Spirit and the Environment  A Sermon Preached by Dick Prouty  at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church       July 14, 2013 I assume all of you are now concerned more about the environment than you were five years.  I sure am!  The reality of the impact of...

Welcoming the Stranger (Rev. Jenny Rankin)

 Sermon Preached on September 15, 2013 It is Opening Sunday, my first here with you. We walk across the threshold, through those great doors,  and come into the shelter of these old walls.   As women and men and children have been doing now for hundreds of years.  We...