July 26, 2015 Poetry Service by Rufus Collinson

A Poetry Service Given at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church Sunday – July 26, 2016     by Ruthanne (Rufus) Collinson Water Over Stones  This morning, the ravenous sea reaches way out over the shore and pulls back again, powerfully driven to contain itself....

July 5, 2015 Sermon by Holly Tanguay

[download id=”252″]         I have thought much in recent weeks about two very different emotions, about compassion and about hate. Into that mix of emotions add a helping each of fear and sorrow and a slice of hope. Sounds like a recipe for a troubled...

“What’s To Be Gained?” (Rev. Ken Sawyer, 2/22/15)

“What’s To Be Gained?” Some of you may have read a book released a few years ago that includes some of the more amusing corrections that The New York Times has had to make in its long history. The book is entitled Kill Duck Before Serving: Red Faces at The New York...

Simplify (Genevieve Dionne, March 30, 2014)

Henry Thoreau states:” Time: It is not enough if you are busy.  The question is, what are you busy about?”  Simplicity or Living a Simple Life is not a new concept. This topic can be traced back to many classic ancient scripts, teaching or spiritual traditions such as...

Love Without Exceptions (Holly Tanguay, March 23, 2014)

I look around and think how lucky we are to be in this beautiful space worshiping together. We are surrounded by our own history, by the impressive works of those who came before us.  Let me tell you that there is nothing impressive about the looks of Murray Grove....