Building Peace, Liberty and Justice

Making our voices heard on contemporary issues At our February 18 service, we remembered by name each of the young adults who lost their lives in the Parkland, Florida shootings. During the month of February, members of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church,...

Healing Our Wholeness – October 2, 2016

Healing Our Wholeness, Healing the World Reverend Janet Parsons October 2, 2016 Once upon a time, back at the very beginning of time, the Ein Sof, or the Ground of Being, or God, filled the entire universe with its presence. And when the Ein Sof decided to create the...

The Creative Spirit (Rev. Parsons April 24, 2016)

A Sermon Given at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church   April 24, 2016  By  Rev. Janet Parsons I once had the good fortune to be present when someone was struck by a creative spirit, and had the chance to watch what happened. The someone was my husband. We...

Love Will Come Again – Rev. Janet Parsons, Easter 2016

The ancient story has been handed down across time and distance, across languages and cultures. It climaxes unexpectedly: when three grieving women, returning to a tomb to dress the body of their murdered teacher, encounter a mysterious stranger. The body is nowhere...