First There is Awe

First There is Awe© Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church December 8, 2019   Early in my seminary days, I had a conversation with a fellow student about how we experienced the divine, the numinous, the ineffable, or whatever name you might want to give that...

Opening to Love

Opening to Love Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church November 17, 2019   There was a great turnout on Wednesday evening at Jalapenos Restaurant down the street. It was World Kindness Day, and our local Kindness Project, conceived and spearheaded by our...

Choosing Attention in an Era of Distraction

November 10, 2019 Sermon: Choosing Attention in an Era of Distraction Rev. Sue Koehler-Arsenault, Guest Preacher Martha’s of today, you who are worried and distracted by many things, and all of us, consider Mary, who sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to what he...

To Finally Stand Still

To Finally Stand Still Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church November 3, 2019   I’ve been living in my ‘new’ house for just over two years now. It has been a long time since I have moved to a new home, and I’ve been very aware that it takes a long time for...

Love Can Build a House That Stands Forever

Love Can Build a House that Stands Forever © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church October 20, 2019 I received an unexpected gift on Wednesday afternoon. A very special gift, in the form of 29 youth, and their adult leaders, who visited us from the First...

Writing in the Book of Life

Writing in the Book of Life © Reverend Janet Parsons September 29, 2019 It’s hard to deny these past few days: the leaves on the trees are beginning to turn. This past week we’ve been savoring the lingering warmth of late summer, well, early fall, really, and being...