We Begin Again in Love – Sep 27

Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church September 27, 2020 Louis Newman refers to himself as having been a model child.  We all know some of those – perhaps we were one of them.  The child who seems naturally well-behaved, who doesn’t get into...

Whole, Broken, and Then Whole Again – Sep 20

Whole, Broken, and Then Whole Again © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church September 20, 2020 First Reflection:  Born and Reborn Again The lyrics of one of the songs in our turquoise hymnal keep going through my mind these days:  “Return...

Blessing of the Animals – Aug 30

Reverend Janet Parsons August 30, 2020 Reflection           I’ve had some odd encounters with animals in the past few months, but the oddest of all was while camping a couple of weeks ago.  We were sitting at the...

On Racial Justice Part 2 – August 23

On Racial Justice, Pt. 2 WE HAVE THE POWER TO BEGIN THE WORLD OVER AGAIN By Carol Bousquet, August 23, 2020 I believe we are finally at THE day of reckoning. Finally we have conditions and consciousness to change the course of history in the ways our African American,...

A Celebration and Appreciation of Gardens -Aug 2

A Celebration and Appreciation of Gardens by Lucille LePage         words delivered on August 2, 2020 at Gloucester UU Church online Sunday service   Before we begin our celebration of gardens, I should explain that I’m defining gardens a bit broadly this morning.  Of...

Children of the Light – June 21

Children of the Light © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church June 21, 2020 Imagine, for a moment, having nowhere that you could get together with friends, or to meet people, that was legal. Imagine, for a moment, not being welcome anywhere, or even allowed to...