Don’t Say Straight

Reflection: Don’t Say Straight, for Gay Pride Sunday, 06-05-22, Charles Nazarian About a month ago a controversial statute was passed in Florida and signed by Governor Desantis that has been widely called the “Don’t Say Gay” law in the media.  It criminalizes and...

What Is Peace?

REFLECTION:  WHAT IS PEACE?   Charles Nazarian, GUUC Service on 05-15-22 In our Call to Worship you and Lucille recited the Beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  They are among the most profound messages to humanity from the great Teacher.  Each one expresses...

To Seek Out Belonging

To Seek Out Belonging © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church May 1, 2022   (and Sabbath, below)   “The deepest nature of the soul is relationship.”  (John O’Donohue)   During these past two years we have been challenged to the very core of our beings by the...

Many Stories of Creation

Karl Frank 4/24/2022   Welcome.   Welcome to this, our Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church.  All are welcome here,  I am Karl Frank, not the minister, but a member of the congregation, leading the service today in the temporary absence of Reverend Janet Parsons,...

The Bright Spark of Resurrection

The Bright Spark of Resurrection © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church April 17, 2022     It would have been in the pre-dawn hours, maybe in the gray first light, when women carrying all they would need to anoint and prepare a body set...

No Going Back

No Going Back © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church April 10, 2022   This past Thursday evening, there was a march here in downtown Gloucester, something that hasn’t happened much in the past two years. Each April, for many years, the Gloucester Coalition for...