January 2016 Newsletter

What’s Inside? Looking Ahead to a New Year – Two New Adult Programs Begin – Top Twelve Gratitude List – and More    Read it here:  [download id=”272″]      

December 2015 Newsletter

Janet’s Reflections – Sunday and Special Services – Christmas Fair – Special Events  – Religious Education Schedule – Updates… and more.  [download id=”271″]

November 2015 Newsletter

Janet’s Reflections: In Gratitude for This Community — November pulpit schedule — History “Revealed” — Circle Dinners — Religious Education Notes …and more  [download id=”269″]

October 2015 Newsletter

Janet’s Reflections – October Pulpit Schedule – Halloween Event – Toward Improved Functioning …. and more!    Read it here [download id=”258″]

September 2015 Newsletter

We’re beginning a new year with a new minister and some new programs.  Monthly newsletters are returning with this September issue.  It’s jam packed with ideas, pictures, updates, etc. — please take some time and read it (you can do it in “batches” if you want) so...