February Newsletter

Lifespan Religious Education (Hold the Date) Words from Wendy The Trials of Susan B. Anthony Standing on the Side of Love Birthdays & Flowers Beginning Now 2011 (Why Use Envelopes?) Board Transitions All About Us Poem:  A Gratitude for Coffee Hour Click here to...

January Newsletter

What’s Inside? “Why Did My President Do That?” Annual Meeting Lifespan Learning Religious Education Statistics Factoid & Trivia A Letter From God All About Us Year-End Highlights To read the January newsletter, click here [download...

December Newsletter

What’s Inside? Wendy’s Words “Christmas Gifts” Holiday Events Lifespan Learning Statistics All About Us Canvass Update Fair Previews Giving Tree Year-End Donations Factoid & Trivia Directory Photos A Different Way of Doing Business Click...

November Newsletter

What’s New? Words from JoeAnn chaplains Under fire All About Us A Wonderful Time Too Hot, Too Cold … Lifespan Learning Religious Education Flowers & Birthdays Factoid & Trivia … Stop One Heart Ethical Eating Series Directory Updates To read...

October Newsletter

WHAT’S NEW? Small Groups October Events Lifespan Learning Birthdays & Flowers All About Us Factoid & Trivia Food & Thoughts Worker Bees Words from Bill [download...

September Newsletter

What’s New? Words from Wendy Try It … You’ll Like It! Before & After:  Megara’s Blood Birthdays & Flowers Calling All Detectives Condolences The Main Event Another Grant Opportunity     This particular newsletter is especially loaded...