News & Announcements

September Newsletter

Religious Education is Changing! Beginner's Mind And the Work Goes On Chef Mario Batali and Gloucester AND MORE Read here  [download id="154"] The Tragabigzanda Festival venue has been changed; it will not be held at the Gloucester UU Church...

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August Newsletter

Spirit and the Environment A Note From Jenny August Music & Meditation in the Meetinghouse The Whirlwind Tour and MORE! Read the August newsletter here [download id="145"]  

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June Newsletter

This is What You Shall Do Announcing a New, Unique Series What a Beautiful Event it Was The Power of TEN People Congratulations to You All and more! Read the newsletter here [download id="138"]  

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The Winners Are …

The Gloucester Unitarian Universalist church is pleased to present these eleven people as "Gloucester Citizenship Award 2013" winners.  Please read more about them - and the ceremony to honor them  here  [download id="136"] 

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Sermon Archive

Those in the Shadows

Those in the Shadows © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church January 15, 2023     Those “honor-driven activists.” We ‘find memory beneath their doors, and taste the blessings of their midwifery.’  (Sonia Sanchez, “Progress Report”)   Today we pause and look...

A Dual Hunger

A Dual Hunger © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church January 8, 2023     There is a moment, when we are watching the swinging of a pendulum, when there’s a slowing, a pause, before the pendulum begins to move back in the other direction. Picture this with me...

We Are the Dwelling Place

We Are the Dwelling Place © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church December 24, 2022   The photo was posted on social media, among many photos of the flooding and the angry surf over the past two days. The photographer, Jay Albert, managed to capture the moment...

Who Makes Much of a Miracle?

Who Makes Much of a Miracle? © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church December 4, 2022   “As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles,” wrote Walt Whitman.   We have entered the season of miracles, of enduring stories, tales of events that we cannot explain,...

Upcoming Services

September 22, 2024

This Sunday's worship is led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with music provided by Susan Taormina.
This weekend fall arrives. We pause at the equinox, known to earth-centered traditions as Mabon, to celebrate the bounty of the harvest and to look ahead to the colder months.

Please join us at 10am in-person or at the livestream link below.

Kiana will be providing childcare for elementary-age and older during the service.