News & Announcements

Socks and Underwear Plus – October

This year's Socks and Underwear drive is now in October due to our Church year calendar changes. Because of the season we are adding Hats and Mittens, So: 'Socks and Underwear Plus' is our new name. Holly Tanguay and Jim Seavey are co chairs, assisted by Kate Ruzecki....

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100-Mile Potluck Picnic

Sunday, Sept.15, 2024 after church.. 100 Mile Potluck Picnic celebrates the Allee restoration! Bring an appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert to share, made with ingredients grown & created within 100 miles west of Gloucester or from the sea. As Yo-Yo Ma wrote in...

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“Gloucester Speaks – Bearing Witness” – May 17, 7pm

In the sanctuary, on the big screen, a one hour and 45-minute documentary by Shep Abbott, covering the history and contemporary maritime industry of Gloucester.  Tickets $10 at the door. Parking Note:  There will be no parking on the allee due to renovations. ...

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Spring Book Discussion Group

Our next read, "The Bill of Obligations" by Richard Haas, will also be our springtime GUUC Common Read with a discussion on Friday, May 31.  Join us for a potluck at 5:30 and book discussion at 7pm. The book is easily available, inexpensive, not a long read, and vital...

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March Book Discussion

Next Book Discussion     Join us to read and discuss member JoeAnn Hart’s new book High Wire Act and Other Tales of Survival, on Wednesday March 13 at 1 p.m. in the social hall.  The author will be our honored guest.  Some copies are available from members.

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Adult Programs – Introducing Our Spiritual Life

This month Reverend Janet is beginning a weekly offering of different spiritual practices. For now, the time will remain the same each week - Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome, and this is intended to be a drop-in whenever you are available. It's also a...

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Sermon Archive

It is Love That Sets Us Free

It is Love That Sets Us Free © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church September 15, 2024 Back in 2014, some cities in Ohio, including Columbus, Dayton, and Springfield, decided to join a network of communities, a task force, that formed under the name Welcoming...

The Blessing and Grace of Water

The Blessing and Grace of Water © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church September 8, 2024 There are so many ways to talk about water, to think about water. We often consider water as a wellspring, as a source; a still pool that grounds us. But water can also be...

Choose Joy

Choose Joy © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church August 25, 2024 I spent the early part of the summer feeling badly stuck, pinned on the horns of a serious dilemma. You see, I admire our president, President Joe Biden, and hold deep respect for the work that...

For Those Who Live at the Shoreline

For Those Who Live at the Shoreline © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church June 2, 2024 It was such a joy to be present at the flag-raising at City Hall this past Friday to kick off the month of June as Pride Month. It was the largest crowd at this event I’ve...

Upcoming Services

September 22, 2024

This Sunday's worship is led by Reverend Janet Parsons, with music provided by Susan Taormina.
This weekend fall arrives. We pause at the equinox, known to earth-centered traditions as Mabon, to celebrate the bounty of the harvest and to look ahead to the colder months.

Please join us at 10am in-person or at the livestream link below.

Kiana will be providing childcare for elementary-age and older during the service.