Clearing the Cobwebs

Clearing the Cobwebs Kelly Knox Buddhism teaches three universal truths 1. that everything is impermanent, 2. this causes suffering, 3. our real selves, our spirit, our essence, the part of us that continues to exists when our body dies is unchanging and therefore...

Tradition and Innovation

It’s nearly 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning as Reverend Janet Parsons looks out across the 1806 meetinghouse where she is minister. The Paul Revere bell high in the tower above has just called out its final reminder that the service is about to begin. A clock by Simon...

To Create the Peace

To Create the Peace Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Unversalist Church May 27, 2018   I was quickly scanning the headlines in my email Inbox the other day, and I could tell that there was a holiday approaching because everyone wanted to sell me...

Social Justice: Keep Families Together!

From Reverend Janet Dear Friends, I have been away during a tumultuous time for our country. As many of you know, I had the great privilege of officiating at the wedding of my younger son Eric to his new wife, Jaclyn. Our family grew, as we not only welcome a daughter...

Mark Twain’s Sermon of June 17

On Sunday, June 17, at 10:00 a.m. Mark Twain, played by professional actor Peter Berkrot, delivered the sermon at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church. In this one-man presentation written and narrated by Brent Wilkes, Berkrot delivered an unforgettable...