In the Shelter of Each Other

In the Shelter of Each Other Reverend Janet Parsons October 14, 2018   “It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.” These are beautiful words offered to us by the Irish, who so often are sources of lovely language. In recent days I have found myself...


Gratitude 9/23/18 Mother said “Now go write a thank you note to your Grandmother.” Aw Ma …. Later, Mother asked, “Did you write the thank you note to your Grandmother?” Aw Ma …. Then Mother said: “After you have written the thank you note to your Grandmother – then...


  Today I find myself thinking back to my 16-year-old self. I can picture her in my memory: long wavy hair parted in the middle, like all the other non-conformists, and wire-rimmed glasses. That young girl had ambitions. She was for starters a staunch feminist,...

Deep Wells

Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church September 9, 2018 It has been a time of great thirst, these past few months. A hot, humid summer, with little rain. An old friend came to visit me one day recently, and said, sighing, “Well, I brought all my beach stuff, but...

To Swim with the Tide, to Flow with the Grace

Let’s pause for a moment to imagine what it would be like to be a trapeze artist. Have you ever wondered what that would feel like, if it is something you could ever do? You would climb a ladder high above a crowd of people, seated, craning their necks to watch you....