Mr. Trump and our spiritual practice

Mr. Trump and our spiritual practice July 7, 2019 Two experiences inform what I wish to say this morning: one new and one old. First: At the time of the last election I got a terrible feeling that I was going to be in a perpetual state of upset. I had no peace....

Our Living Earth – Summer Solstice

Douglas Smith’s sermon 6/23/2019 Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church We don’t usually think of this time of year as midsummer, but it is just in these longest days that midsummer festivals are celebrated – and have been from time immemorial. Stonehenge, built in...

The Rhythms of Our Lives

The Rhythms of Our Lives © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church June 9, 2019 “Whatever beat is moving through your bones, Whatever holy disturbance is rising in your chest…” This much we all know about our lives, and the lives of all creatures: there is a beat...

Where Shall You Seek Beauty?

We gather here, surrounded by the promise of a June morning, in the wake of yet another mass shooting. As the number of dead and wounded people rise, month by month, week by week, across our country, we face the threat not only of being direct victims of a gun...

Let My Heart Be Open

Let My Heart Be Open Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church May 26, 2019   With spring finally here, I have been trying to spend some time out in the yard. The other day I decided to get a shovel and dig up the new patch of Japanese...