With Our Thoughts We Make The World

“With Our Minds We Make The World” Sunday, July 28, 2018 By Reverend Mark Nelson On a glorious Sunday morning in July, you would never know it. It is so hard to see on a day like today. But weather patterns and the climate are changing in ways that pose a monumental...

Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight Reverend Parsons July 21, 2019 It’s tourist season, and when we’re driving around town we see those nice little banners that proclaim Gloucester to be “America’s Oldest Seaport”, and that it was settled in 1623. And certainly this is something to...

The Power (and the Work) of We

The Power (and the Work) of We Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church June 30, 2019   “We the people…” “We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union…” “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” Our nation’s birthday approaches. If we count our age...

Peace, Energy, and Forgiveness

Peace, Energy and Forgiveness Marylou Bassani, July 14, 2019 In November of 2003 Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer, was found guilty of multiple counts of murder. One by one family members rose to give impact statements. Angry sentiments were directed toward...