Dictionary.com’s Word of the Year

Dictionary.com’s 2021 Word of the Year © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church January 16, 2022   In case there are any of you who haven’t looked up the 2021 Word of the Year yet, we’ll get to that in just a minute. Maybe your curiosity got the better of you and...

To Live with Zeal

To Live with Zeal © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church January 9, 2022   On a summer day in 1845, Henry David Thoreau wrote these few words in his journal: “July 5. Saturday, Walden. Yesterday I came here to live.”   And live there he did, for two years, two...

Cultural Humility

Kelly Knox Dec 12, 2021 Good Morning. It is so wonderful to be here, to see everyone. I have missed this community so very much. The idea for what has now morphed into nothing more than a conversation starter, was born of me telling Reverend Janet that I was chairing...

Path to Membership December 2021

Path to Membership                                                                          December, 2021  Welcome! We’re glad to have you with us. Deciding whether to become active, or to formally join a church, is a big decision. This brief outline is intended to...

Giving Thanks for the Pizzazz

Giving Thanks for the Pizzazz © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church November 21, 2021 Yesterday afternoon the Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation hosted a symposium on refugees and immigration right here in our sanctuary. There was so much information shared,...