The Bright Spark of Resurrection

The Bright Spark of Resurrection © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church April 17, 2022     It would have been in the pre-dawn hours, maybe in the gray first light, when women carrying all they would need to anoint and prepare a body set...

No Going Back

No Going Back © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church April 10, 2022   This past Thursday evening, there was a march here in downtown Gloucester, something that hasn’t happened much in the past two years. Each April, for many years, the Gloucester Coalition for...

What Urgency Calls You?

What Urgency Calls You? © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church April 3, 2022   It struck me, re-reading David Whyte’s poem that Mern read for us a few minutes ago (What to Remember When Waking) is how often the poets urge us to make sure that we are trying to...

She is The Way

She is The Way © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church March 27, 2022     “She shines without dimming… She rushes to reveal Herself to those who yearn for Her.” (Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-14)   Who is ‘she’? We know this presence by many names....
For There is Always Light

For There is Always Light

For There is Always Light © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church March 20, 2022   The fog yesterday sent me into a very pensive state of mind. I stared for long periods at the patterns created by the bare tree branches, which was about all I could see. I find...