Living Free From Hunger

Living Free From Hunger © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church November 20, 2022   You can tell when Thanksgiving is approaching in my extended family. Conversation on the family WhatsApp group starts to heat up, with queries about the head count, and food...

So That Fresh, Green Leaves Might Grow

So That Fresh, Green Leaves Might GrowReverend Janet ParsonsGloucester UU Church  November 13, 2022“The moon changes, the atmosphere changes,And yet this is all somehow a constant,Something solid to count on, Constantly in motion.”        (Mary Wellemeyer, Constantly...

All Souls’ Day

Jeremy Taylor Melvin Reflection – All Souls’ Day Given at: Gloucester UU Church October 30th, 2022   I went to Ipswich yesterday.  I grew up there, but go there infrequently.  Or at least not much to the part of town I grew up in.  And when I do, I am usually...

Rising to Change

Rising to Change © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church November 6, 2022   It seems that there is an election in a couple of days. I’m sure that you might have noticed. Quite some time ago, in a fit of anger over some of the actions, or inactions, of the...


    Courage Confronting Racism Dick Prouty. 10.23.202     Fifty years ago this month, Doris and I were in bed @ 10:30PM in our new house in Lanesville, just up from the Cove, on a chilly evening.  Suddenly, we heard a lot of commotion in the front yard and looked out...