Sunday, September 8

Sunday, September 8 Led by Rev. Janet Parsons As is our tradition, we’ll be joining together for a service in our sanctuary, and bringing water from places that offered us meaning over the summer. (As always, if you didn’t collect any water, we’ll...

100-Mile Potluck Picnic

Sunday, Sept.15, 2024 after church.. 100 Mile Potluck Picnic celebrates the Allee restoration! Bring an appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert to share, made with ingredients grown & created within 100 miles west of Gloucester or from the sea. As Yo-Yo Ma wrote...
Choose Joy

Choose Joy

Choose Joy © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church August 25, 2024 I spent the early part of the summer feeling badly stuck, pinned on the horns of a serious dilemma. You see, I admire our president, President Joe Biden, and hold deep respect for the work that...

Sunday Aug 25

Reverend Janet Parsons will lead worship this Sunday, August 25, with music provided by Susan Taormina. Please join us at 10am in-person, or at the livestream link below. Everyone is welcome! Link to livestream:...