Sacred Fire

Sacred Fire © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church April 23, 2023     “Every bush is a burning bush…”.  (John Muir)   It’s always fascinating, to look back at someone’s life, and try to understand how they were able to become who they were intended to be. Time...

Now Let Us Rise

Now Let Us Rise Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church April 9, 2023     “…maybe we are not so different than the leaves. …maybe we are also always being reborn to be something more then we once were. …maybe that’s what waking up each morning is.”  (For the...

Spiritual Resistance

Spiritual Resistance © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church April 2, 2023     Introduction   Typically when we think of the word ‘resistance’, it’s not at all in a spiritual context. Resistance usually implies an active response – pushing back at something or...

The Key of Longing

The Key of Longing © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church March 26, 2023     “Bring your broken hallelujah here… We all bring some broken things, songs and dreams, and long lost hopes…”   There was a civil war, in the 1990’s, in Bosnia, in Eastern Europe....