Garden Tours

Gardening and Garden Tours – We will be continuing our informal garden tours this summer. Dates and addresses to come once the flowers emerge! Contact Diana Peck if you would like to offer your garden for a tour. And, for those who are interested in gardening, please...

In the Image of the Creator

In the Image of the Creator © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church May 14, 2023     Yesterday, while procrastinating, I checked in online to see how my minister colleagues were doing. We often start commiserating on Saturdays about our writing process, how we...

Blessed are the Makers

Blessed Are the Makers © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church May 7, 2023   Today is a day of many blessings. We feel the blessing of the warm sun after what has felt like a prolonged cold and wet spell. But on a day like today, we can...