Pleasure Activism

Pleasure Activism © Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church June 18, 2023     There was controversy, back in the winter of 2006, about whether New Orleans should celebrate Mardi Gras. Hurricane Katrina had roared through the city in August of 2005, and months...

Pride: Celebration, Protest, and Fear

Pride: Celebration, Protest, and Fear© Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester UU Church June 11, 2023   Little Kristin was five years old. One day she was playing with her sister in the family’s living room when her grandmother summoned her to dinner. “Girls, dinner’s...

To Live in Communion

To Live in Communion© Reverend Janet Parsons Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church June 4, 2023   “How would it beto live like the aspen,to know the selfas one expressionof a glorious, radiant whole,to live in communioninstead of competition…”   Each spring, we...

GUU Art Gallery

GUU Art Gallery The new art gallery will be open to the public every Saturday from 2-5pm. Many, many thanks to Jay McLauchlan, Jim Seavey, Willie Alexander, and Jerry Ackerman for installing our first-ever members and friends art exhibit in the Entry...