10 Church Street Gloucester, MA 01930

Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church

First Universalist Church in America
Organized as the Independent Christian Church in 1779
About Us
Mission & Vision
Social Justice
Our History
Our Staff

UU Beliefs

All are Welcome
Our Location

Our Minister and Staff

Reverend Janet Parsons Minister

Reverend Janet Parsons was called to the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church in 2015. Deep church involvement over many years as well as leading or participating in ten relief trips to the hurricane-stricken Gulf Coast contributed to her call to the Unitarian Universalist ministry. Serving churches for many years as a lay leader as well as a staff member provided her with considerable leadership and management experience.
reverend Janet Parsons

Reverend Parsons has at her core a fundamental belief in the worth and dignity of all people, an unwavering commitment to social justice, and a dedication to seeking common ground to end gun violence. Her commitment to service has been life-transforming and she considers justice work and service to be a vital way for Unitarian Universalists to express their values in the world. She is delighted to serve the Gloucester UU Church because, as a history buff, she recognizes the important role that the Gloucester church has played in Universalist and American history.

rev. janet marching in a demonstration #icantkeepquiet
Reverend Parsons has been an active participant in the groundbreaking Cape Ann Slavery and Abolition Project, which is researching locations on Cape Ann where enslaved people lived and worked and where abolitionist and anti-slavery activity occurred. The project has raised awareness of the presence of slaves and of free people of color on Cape Ann, and of the participation of ship owners, some members of the church, in the slave trade.

She received her bachelor’s degree in political science and her master’s degree in urban policy from Tufts University, and earned her master of divinity from Andover Newton Theological School.

Her call to Gloucester’s oldest standing meetinghouse has been something of a homecoming for Reverend Parsons as her family has lived here for generations. She is the proud parent of two sons and recently welcomed a new daughter-in-law.

To reach Reverend Parsons: Rev.janetparsons@gmail.com

A record from the Congregational Church and Parish in Essex

Christine Norris, Church Administrator

Christine Norris joined the staff of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church in 2017. She brings to her position a strong background in organizational leadership and has served as a telecommunications administrator for environmental engineering companies. Christine has held positions with the Big Dig in Boston and with AECOM in Wakefield, Massachusetts.

Christine grew up in Weymouth, Massachusetts and currently lives in Rockport with her husband and son. She earned her Bachelor of Science in elementary education from the University of Massachusetts.

Christine was seeking a working environment that was less structured than some of the corporate experiences she has had and that could offer her a more flexible schedule. She is enjoying getting to know the Gloucester UU church and the larger Gloucester community and looks forward to her role as church administrator and contributing to its operations and growth.

To reach Christine Norris: info@gloucesteruu.org.

christine norris

Anthony Curcuru, Sexton

Anthony Curcuru is our sexton.  He lives in Gloucester and started in October 2022.

Kiana DuBose, Children’s Programming

Kiana DuBose is present on Sunday mornings to offer children’s activities. If you have friends or family who might be ready for church but have been waiting for some children’s programming, please help us spread the word. Activities are provided for elementary school-aged children during the service.  We do not offer children’s programming during July and August.

church doors opened
About Us
mission and vision
Mission & Vision
rev janet at a rally
Social Justice
church bell tower
Our History
meet the staff at GUU
Our Staff
chalice in front of stained glass window

UU Beliefs

rainbow in the sky
All are Welcome
guu location on map
Our Location