Annual Meeting, Sunday, January 23, 2011  (Child care is being provided)

This is to notify all members of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church qualified to vote in Parish affairs, to meet at the church following the church service to act upon the following:  to elect a Moderator Pro-Tem for the current year; to elect a Moderator for the ensuing year; to hear the reports of the clerk and treasurer; to hear reports from the Trustees, the Board of Managers, and all church Committees; to adopt a budget for the ensuing year; to elect such officers as are required by the Bylaws; and to act on any other business that may legally come before the meeting.

GAME NIGHT – Friday, January 28th starting at 5:30 pm

Join the fun – and friends of all ages – while we chase away the winter blahs!  We’ll be serving dessert bars and  beverages, and you can order pizza ($1.50/slice) by contacting Carol Ackerman.  She will need your money by Sunday, January 23rd …. you can pay her at the Annual Meeting that day.  Click here to see our flyer … maybe you’ll recognize yourself (or a favorite past-time) [download id=”33″]