A pop up exhibition of photographs taken in Meghalaya India in 2011 and 2013 by Jim Seavey will be open through the next two weeks during the regular Saturday hours (12 TO 4) at the GUUC Gallery, 10 Church St. Gloucester. Arrangements for a private viewing can be made with the artist at 615-973-2199.

       Starting with information from the Rev. Doris Hunter at the Rockport UU Church in the 1980’s, Jim and the Rev. Gail Seavey have kept in touch with the Unitarians of North East India in the Khasi Hills in the state of Meghalaya. Visiting from the First UU Church of Nashville (TN), they built a more personal relationship over a total of 5 weeks, visiting over 20 Unitarian churches in far flung villages. This selection of 20 photos, mostly portraits, with accompanying text and smaller photos, was first seen in 2016 in Nashville.