Aug 19: Mern Sibley and Roger Garberg invite you to come for a garden tour at our home on Saturday, August 19 from 10 to 12. We’re at 107 Mount Pleasant Avenue in East Gloucester. The house is set back from the street, up a gravel driveway. With all the generous rains of the summer, our garden is a jungle this year. Welcome!

Aug 26, Sally Waite and Karl Frank, 2 TO 4. We welcome visits to our garden at the end of the summer to be able to give away tomatoes: Karl’s vegetable garden this year is all tomatoes and basil. Sally runs the monarch and bee friendly half of the garden. If you have your own tomatoes, do come and hang out with us on the shady porch..It’s seldom very hot as we are on a hill in East Gloucester between the harbor and the Atlantic shore.  East Gloucester Street parking is often hard to find, and more so if you do not have a Gloucester Resident sticker on your car. We have off the street parking for 2 cars at the back of our house, on Haskell Court.