Throughout its rich history, the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church has collected a significant archive of historical documents, many of which are preserved in the Cape Ann Museum. Over the years, Kate Ruzecki has sorted through much of the paperwork that the Church has kept and culled out relevant materials to be considered for the archive.

In the past few months, this important work has also been shared by the congregation. During Sunday morning coffee hours, members of the congregation have reviewed boxes of document to determine what should be kept and what is no longer needed. In this process, several people have enjoyed coming across records of their own friends and families. This work has allowed the Church to move to the next phase of preservation in organizing and cataloging our archive. Kate, along with Mern Sibley, Cindy Smith, and Kathleen Williams, have inventoried the remaining materials. Thanks to all members of the congregation for your efforts in reviewing and sorting through these boxes . The completed archive is now well organized and preserved for the future.