Welcome to the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church.  Our church as a long and Church in Maydistinguished history in the establishment of religious freedom in the United States.  Throughout its history, the church has evolved to deal with the conditions of the times to meet the needs and aspirations of its congregation.  That process continues to this day — adapting to new challenges while keeping historic customs and traditions which hold meaning for members.

In our tradition, every person is free to pursue his or her own spiritual journey without the burdens of creed or dogma, to see truth and meaning in this life and in this world.

In welcoming you to our congregation, we offer you a forum for the lively and respectful exchange of questions and ideas.  We honor your uniqueness and the qualities and experiences you bring to a community of seekers.  In this fellowship you will find freedom from prejudice and imposed belief and the support of others who respect your views and needs as they do their own.

We look forward to meeting you.       Rev. Janet D. Parsons, Minister




· The inherent worth and dignity of every person;

· Justice, equality and compassion in human relations;

· Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;

· A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;

· The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;

· The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;

· Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.




Calling all to worship

Service is About to Begin


     We hold a service every Sunday of the year.   The service begins at 10:00 am with the sound of our church’s Paul Revere bell, rung by children in our Religious Exploration Program, with guidance by our Sexton.   Dress is casual.  Child care is provided for children 4 years and younger, from mid-September to mid-June.


This year we reduced the number of Sundays that children begin in the sanctuary with the entire congregation to once per month, typically the first Sunday of the month. There is a “Time for All Ages” on those Sundays.  When the children and youth don’t begin upstairs they will most often begin the morning in a youth chapel service at 10:00 am, which will include music, chalice lighting, a story and reflections.

Our services usually last about one hour.  After the service all are invited to join us for Coffee Hour, held downstairs in our Vestry.  This is a time to casually visit with friends we may not see during the week.  There is a table set aside where children eat their treats.  Usually an activity planned for them, while their parents visit.

During the summer months the choir is not present and we do not hold Religious Exploration classes.